i sometimes i wish i was song lyrics
maybe that's why sometimes when i listen to songs i get so worked up
i just wish i was them.
perhaps this is why i dance mother?
because dancing is kindof like
seeing music
well that's how i would like it to be
"its an aquired taste, you need to just find the right one"
that is the definition i gave sam and sarah of bubble tea
as we were standing outside the bubble cup stand trying to decide what to order
and sam and sarah wondering why i had dragged them here
today was a day for things.
meditating behind the dance studio
playing a pregnent teenager in drama
discovering a new religion in philosphy
and winning a curly wurly in psych
which i do admit went to the chariatable cause, that was angus.
today was also a day for unknotting things
a little like my chest
it feels a bit more limber now
kind of a bit easier to move.
this is a strange feeling
i like watching the letters form words when it is set to centre
its like the word just appear from the middle of nowhere
and then they move, all by themselves
its amazing
today was also a day for my mother discovering my empty vodka bottle
and leaving me a note
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