i am currently in my spare. my monday spare
i love this spare
i am sitting on a wooden chair outside the humanities building.
teagan is here too, sitting a person away from me, just announcing that "some guy lived off his own tongue for a year"
"Teagan!" june, sitting opposite us, eating her spinni and ricci, obviously has a very strong veiw on this.
rory, who not an hour and a half ago at recess, pulled out a bag of magic mushrooms,
and he and chris, one of the music boys with the big pants, both had four magic mushrooms.
Rory proceeded by saying "this will be an interesting day"
indeed it is, he is standing up, wrapping his scarf around his hands, he keeps saying "man, im SO happy with this scarf!" He looks confused now though,
Teagan has just began a massive spiel about the man who lived off his own tongue.
"fuck off stuart, The Blair Witch project is real!" holly, who is sitting next to june, and leaning over to stuart on the other side, is wearing a massive gold sparkly cardigan that drowns her beautifully in a sea of sparkles and pearly buttons.
she looks rather distressed, as everyone is now shaking their heads
"no, holly. it's really not"
"yeah, nah, holly, nah."
the conversation has now changed from eating tongues to the Blair Witch project.
"fucking hell, fucking hell" annie is sitting next to me, her hair up in a large messy bun on the top of her head
she is the queen of hair in this group, it towers and looks down upon us
"holly, you need a break from these witch visions!" stuart, who is wearing his usual beanie, and pulling apart a vegemite roll, pats holly on the back, and she growls through her teeth.
today is so alive. this is why i decided to notice all this.
the air is tinging with senses
i love the wind, i love the sound of the wind
and the trees rusting together.
the whole world really does sound alive.
just like it is ment to be
the trees are talking to each other, discussing
the sun is up and down. peeping out at different intervals,
beaming down and heating everything up within seconds
before the clouds catch up and overtake.
its like the sky is playing chasey, like children
the whole world is just spinning and running
it makes me feel centered and peaceful
alive, nice
having the feeling of the wind rushing into your face
having to open my eyes
being in the same force as the wind
today was a good day :)
today is a good day.
it will soon be complete with dexter and sam
and the inscents in his room
that make my stomach knot, and my breath stop
because it all smells so amazing, and i want to savour it.
"are you pumped"
"nah, im mizone"
maybe im amazed?

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