oh wow.
its eight twenty six.
sunday night,
october the fourth
national golf day
and its the last day of these holidays
i dont want them to end.
i have. honestly and uberly
had the best holidays in more than a year
sam sam sam sam sam
i saw him everyday.
i feel like its mutual. he wants to see me too.
we did so much.
we painted masks.
we watched the WHOLE first season of dexter
we sat on my window for hours at night
eating noodles, drinking lemonade and talking absolute crappness
absolutly nothing
ridiculous stuff.
like what animal or plant we would be if we could
or if there are invisible cities on the moon
or or
get drunk. on school roofs
and then pretend we are areoplanes
or just lie in his bed
him cuddling me.
i dont want it to end
but you know.
it will be fine.
im going to go to school. im going to practise my toes off
im going to study well
and do well in exams
and then i will be free for the summer
with sam.
dont rely on it dont rely on it dont rey on it
happy back to school :)

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