my current achievments this week;
1. deciding on a wedding. artichokes for flowers, lavender for smell, and red for dress
a rather big decision i do believe.
2. rearranging my room and finally completing the hanging clothes line i have been planning for ages. and it worked
3. creating half a fabric and pastel tree on a canvas with sam
4. discovering the origins of zombies and voodoos, and deciding to visit the lochness monster
sam mules current week acheivments
1. hung out with Millie
2. succesfully opshopped
3. accidentaly dyed the side of my foot green
4. co-invented Cheemato sauce with Millie
5. lost my pokies machine virginity (not proud of that at all though)
a good weeks work :)
question of the week?
does bocconcini mature into mozerella??

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