i have given up trying to label myself
fucked up
because in the end. these are all they are, labels. labels for convenience, to sort things into jars. and then in the end all i am is me. i dont know these labels i come under, i dont even know if i do
but i am just me. who say's i am anything?
i dont, not anymore. and i think the day i give up labels, the day i stop to do things and immediatley think how that matched the actions of an anorexic, the day i give up doing this. is possibly the day the knot inside my chest untightens a tiny bit.
the day that maybe a few ripples have been taken away and i no longer need to worry about where i fit or who i am
the day that maybe a few ripples have been taken away and i no longer need to worry about where i fit or who i am

i have also learnt that, life isnt perfect. and those perfect moments you dream that should be perfect, that should go a certain way?
well i have finally learnt that it will never go like this. perfection is happiness in a moment, no matter what is happening, what the weather is doing, how fat you feel. perfection comes from the inside and tells you it is perfect, that is a perfect moment.
the world will never be in sync with you, so dont pretend it will be.

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