
pink baby soap

it's like a washing machine

to me that's a vicious cycle
to me that's my mind

round and round and round

ED, he say's it's out of these options
1. you dont eat.
2. you cut
3. you feel nothing, you see nothing, you retreat, you dont live
im addicted. if i can't have one. i have to have the other
one is used as a bribe. another is used as a punishment

why do i want to punish the world.
it isnt even me. if something goes wrong, its my way of telling the world to fuck off
it's me saying "see how shit you are, this is how i will get back at you"

it gives me an excuse to feel the way i do sometimes. it justifies the way that sometimes i just feel so confused, so lost, so helpless. like im stuck on a chair on a train that is wooshing past at the speed of light. it justifies that.
it warps time for me, so i can say "i feel this way, because of what i do."
time doesnt make sense anyway

maybe im just boring without it. it has been a part of me for so long
how can it forever be gone?

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