oh golly. i will never ever ever evr get my lisence. i have taken the practice test seven times,
and i ive only ever passed once, and thats because i went back on the incorrect questions and corrected them.
so yeah. im screwed. and if by some chance i pass it. you are screwed, get off the road.
im sick. lying in bed, listening to city and colour. and im having a strong day. you know. one of those days where things are clear, you know what you want, you know what you need to do and you know how things are.
so in my present frame of mind. where i feel completely me. i am making decisions.
YES. i am going to quit beechworth. and i am going to make an etsy account. and make cards, and bags, and puses, and boxes and many other lovely things to sell
YES. i will do it. i will stay motivated to make these things. i will set my self a goal each week. yes i will make it
YES. i do want to go to box hill. the travelling will be hard, but dancing is what i want. it will be new, it will be different and it will be happy. i will be able to wear all my lovely clothes and be myself, and start again as myself. and i will be on the starting path to my reality
YES. i do want to be happy. i want to go out, i want to notice things, i want to appreciate things i want to laugh. i dont want to lie in my bed screwed up in a ball clutching my wrist and hiding from the world. yes. it makes me feel safe, it makes me feel secure. but thats because thats not open, im not alive. i need to be alive
yes? yes? YES!!
that is what is going to happen
and i think. that when i get my etsy account up and running
you should go and look at it yes?

merci beaucoup :)
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