i want to move out of home the moment i walk out of school.
and then i will get a job. not a crap stressfull job. a nice job in a shop. selling lovely shoppy stuff. and i think i will audition for places that year. everywhere. all places. and i think i will train at the same time. with a really wonderful teacher, i will train privatley.
then i WILL join a company. i know people always say "you will see me again" but you will see me up there. because everything that has happened up until now, and eveything that will happen. wont be worth it, if im not up there.
i kind of regret not auditioning for a ballet school. like the australain ballet or VCASS. but you know, i think ill stick to what i do best. my own thing. im just going to work my bottom all the way too the moon. and i will have a nice little flat to come home to each day, with my clothes hanging on the wall and an endless supply of british comedy.
i dont care if i have to move to siberia. i will dance
fuck you if you say i cant. fuck you ED.
ima be big, im going to live differently.