i have decided
i have
my puppy
is a secret musical genius
and he gives concerts by night
and other distinguished dogs come far and wide to see

lots of painting and sponges
vikings have music!!
i was sitting in history, next to my new friend oliver, who has a really fuzzy afro and stretched my hat. and this really dark guy was sitting next too me, wearing those convertor glassess, the ones that go from normal glasess into sunglasess with the flaps. and then his muisc was like "ujdhygdsfugydvjabdsyvbsadfyusgf" and extremley loud. and i looked at him, and he showed me what he was listening to. it was viking music!! it was all finnish and swedish. with the whole viking sound and. wow. rather interesting
and then i was just sitting there. with this viking screaming next to me, and i was listening to ella fitzgerald and louis armstrong.
great fun :)
im all sick and junk. my throat has actaully started to eat itself and think my head is trying to put lots of weights at the back of my skull making me fall over and feel like im toppling backwards. on the plus side. holidays !!
im going to get a tattoo saying "destination moon"
its going to happen, im going to do it
just like i just ended it with james
forever, and now there is no going back
i might regret it, but i dont think i will.
now i can move on and move up without any strings dragging me down.
its over red rover.
i really want bubble tea RIGHT NOW
hey man!
wow that was fun!!
well i was sitting on the train, all tired and out of it ALOT. and i was looking around and rememered the man who was on the train eating his banana. and then i thought hmmmmmm lets see if anyone is eating a banana
they werent
but there was a lady sitting across from me with her friend, possibly her mother because she looks older, and they have booth been shopping to melbounre. david jones, myers, and footwear. the younger lady is dressed really extrmley smartly, obviously trying to age with dignity and style. her lipliner and eyeliner is heavy. the older woman is rugged up in three MASSIVLEY THICK layers. she doesnt have make up on but her laughter lines lift her face (note to self: never get plastic surgery). they are talking about, of course, the younger generations (a la: you and me) weakness for technology.
the guy down the back of the carriage is sitting rigidly with his arms crossed, wearing a neckbrace. his eyes and closed and his lips are pouted. a tinteren girl has just got n, i know her. kate schee. i really hope she doesnt see me.
not really
but almost
ballet now :)
why do i envy it
why do i wish i was still there
why do i wish it wouldcome back and save me
why do i not try to give into it
why do i want to give into it
why do i miss
its not fair ED
i shouldnt envy it
i dont exactly know why, when i was making my new header, i decided to put a baloon there instead of a tree, which would perhaps make more sense. but anywho
MORE to the point. why would me mother, ever feel, in her whole life, that perhaps, our puppy may need to save our life by ressussiating us? well, for some reason she felt exactly that, and now i cant lie down without furby assuming im dead and giving me "mouth to mouth"
wonderful, its great.
today was utterly shit. i know i havent blogged in ages, but no one reads this anyway so im pretty much just writing to myself. i feel stupid and i shoud not have, under any circumstances, gotton my hopes up. and you know what. i did it without realising. can you even get your hopes up without realising? well i did. but on the plus side i got some amazing tartaned tights and i am one day closer to starting at box hill.
and i am wigging, immensley
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