Its the word again, i dont know what it is.
its the world too, i dont like the way i fall into this one world, that's perfect, wonderful, amazing. where i feel whole and happy and like i dont ever need anything else. and i just stand there, in this world with everything else moving around me, but stuck in this time bubble, glowing.
but then i dont like the way i always crash back into the other one. this one, whatever one it is. there doesn't seem to be an inbetween for me, and when there is, i hardly notice, i just rush along trying not to fall into either. but the crash is what hurts, and i cant decide if its better to just crash, or not fall into the other world at all.
of course i know the answer, and what i will do. thats the shit thing, that makes it all so painful, and messy. but, amazing. but again.
that word.